Economic Growth
CX OBJECTIVE: Create a large-scale strategic mixed-use employment site for Borderlands with significant wider economic impact
In 2015 Dumfries and Galloway Council’s Economy, Environment and Infrastructure Committee adopted the Regional Economic Strategy.
The aim of the Strategy is to develop Dumfries and Galloway’s economy by making it more diverse and resilient.
Dumfries and Galloway Council has made the building of the region’s economy a priority and worked actively with partners and stakeholders in the development of the Regional Economic Strategy. The Strategy was developed to ensure that the economic priorities for the region are clearly identified and that interventions to support these are prioritised by all Partners involved.
The economic ambition for our region is to ensure that every member of every community has equality of access to a prosperous future. An economy which is capable of taking advantage of opportunities, by combining an appropriate skilled workforce and connected infrastructure, to support more prosperous and inclusive communities. The CX ambition goes beyond this and reinvents the future based on nationally important drivers and our ambition to build a better future starting today.